Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Visit our retail location at 
230 Grand St.
Brooklyn, NY 11211
[off the L train at the Bedford stop]

Immortal Coat- $188
Defend Williamsburg Tee- $25
AKTreasures Scarf- $30
AKTreasures Pin-$30
AKTreasures Belt- $32

AKTreasures headband- $36
Rich Eye Dress- On Sale for $45
AKTreasures black vintage belt- $22
AKTreasures red vintage belt- $22
Cathedral Jacket- On Sale for $45

Gray Under onesie- $44
AKTreasures Necklace- $36
Assorted Rings- $25
Gift Certificates Available- In store

Arrow Tee- $34
Wayfaring Cardigan- $98
LB Summer Hats- $34
Charcoal Dangerpants- $35
AKTreasures Sunglasses- $20